Did You Receive a Traffic Citation in Marshall, Hot Springs, I-26, or Elsewhere in Madison County?
Our Madison County traffic attorney is here to help!
Traffic attorney Meg Westall with iTicket.law wants to help fix your Madison County traffic ticket. Attorney Westall can offer the advice you need to keep your license and avoid those spendy increases to your car insurance. And the best part is that you can conveniently work through this issue completely online! We know that traffic offenses can be stressful to manage on your own – draining your time and money. Even small infractions can lead to major insurance rate increases and sunk time at the Madison County courthouse.
It is pertinent that you do not pay any speeding or traffic ticket without first consulting a traffic attorney. By paying your ticket you could be admitting guilt and may face an increase to your insurance premium, as outlined below. Why admit guilt when you can hire our traffic attorneys to handle this matter for as little as $99 per ticket?*
How does a traffic conviction affect my NC insurance costs?
Traffic Violation Conviction | Rate Increase | License Points | Insurance Points |
Speeding 76 mph in a 65 mph zone | 90% | 3 | 4 |
Speeding 82 mph in a 70 mph zone | 90% | 3 | 4 |
Passing a stopped school bus | 90% | 5 | 4 |
Reckless driving | 90% | 4 | 4 |
Illegal passing | 55% | 4 | 2 |
Running stop sign/red light | 40% | 3 | 1 |
Driving While License Revoked | 200% | 3 | 8 |
Click here to Hire Traffic Attorney Westall in Madison County, NC
Traffic Attorney Meg Westall at iTicket.law Will Fight For You
Attorney Westall has been licensed to practice law in the State of North Carolina since 2013 and has grown very familiar with the policies and procedures of the Madison County District Attorney. She can help you navigate this system, explaining when a voluntary dismissal, improper equipment, speed reduction, or Prayer for Judgment Continued are best used to give you an optimal outcome

Want to know more about Meg Westall?
Tickets that Traffic Attorney Westall Handles in Madison County
(Include, but are not limited to)
✓ Speeding
✓ Speeding in a School or Work Zone
✓ Following Too Closely
✓ Improper Turn or Lane Change
✓ Unsafe Movement
✓ Failure to Reduce Speed
✓ Careless and Reckless Driving
✓ No Operators License
✓ Expired Registration
✓ Driving While Impaired
✓ Driving While License Revoked
If you decide that having a traffic attorney is the best course of action, we ask you to consider our firm. We have offices across North Carolina and offer a convenient online process so that we can solve your legal problem wherever you are located. If you have a traffic citation in Marshall, Mars Hill, Hot Springs, or anywhere else in Madison County, North Carolina and don’t feel comfortable going to traffic court at 2 N Main St, Marshall, NC 28753, please call us at (919) 200-0822. It’s hard to argue with results! We have made thousands of clients happy with our streamlined approach. Check out our many reviews from satisfied clients on Google and have confidence in our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee*.
For more information on Madison County, please visit the Madison County Directory.
For more information about iTicket.law and NC traffic citations, please visit our FAQ page.