Improper Equipment Reduction for your Pasquotank County Speeding Ticket

Improper Equipment in Pasquotank County is a very low level traffic offense, called a "non-moving" violation, which results in no points assessed against your drivers license and no increase to your North Carolina auto insurance premium. An IE reduction is widely considered to be the best possible reduction available in North Carolina. There are many misconceptions around Improper Equipment and how and when it can be used in cases. Often times, it's a low level infraction that's negotiated to take place of a speeding citation, or moving violation. If granted, it's usually as part of negotiations for lenience for a good driver.

Due to several factors (i.e. driving history, speed charged, other case details), a traffic lawyer can negotiate with the District Attorney's office in Pasquotank County to seek to reduce your citation to this lower level offense. Based on the average NC family insurance premium, this outcome could possibly save you over $1,600 in increased insurance premiums over the next 3 years. Court costs and fines for an Improper Equipment usually range between $260.00-285.00, but can sometimes be more. Court costs for an IE reduction in Pasquotank County are slightly higher than other possible outcomes due to additional fees/fines assessed by the NC General Assembly and/or District Attorney's office because of the very beneficial nature of this outcome.

Do not pay any speeding or traffic ticket without first consulting a traffic attorney. It might be tempting to just pay off your own ticket, admitting guilt, but the potential negative outcomes of pleading guilty to your original offense could do anything from raise your monthly insurance premium to adding detrimental points to your license. Give us a call and we can seek to give you back your peace of mind. Attorneys.jpg

Have more questions? Give us a call at 919-200-0822 if you'd like to learn what possible outcomes may be available in your case.

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Making Sense of North Carolina Law YouTube Series


What is Improper Equipment?

Improper Equipment Court Costs

Does an IE Show on an NC Driving Record?

NC Insurance Savings of an Improper Equipment

Is Your Speeding Ticket Eligible for Improper Equipment?

Improper Equipment vs. Prayer for Judgement Continued