If you’ve been involved in an accident the form DMV-349 accident report contains a wealth of important information. Learn more...
Understanding Your Accident Report (Part 2)

If you’ve been involved in an accident the form DMV-349 accident report contains a wealth of important information. Learn more...
If you’ve been involved in an accident the form DMV-349 accident report contains a wealth of important information. Learn more...
The Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC) has an unenviable position in North Carolina law in that it is widely known as a beneficial outcome but is many times misunderstood in terms of availability and impacts.
After you’ve been involved in an accident, one of the most important documents you should obtain is a DMV-349, more commonly known as an accident report.
Como se discutió, otorgar un PJC queda a la entera discreción del Juez, pero discutiremos ante el Tribunal en su nombre para permitir el PJC debido a sus circunstancias particulares. Tenga en cuenta que, en caso …